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19 C.
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22.3 C, 51 % r.h.
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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Bio-linux
Linux on a stick - a 'live' distro
2   Link   REST 2009 - software package for qPCR analysis

REST 2009 Software
For gene expression analysis using real-time PCR data from the Rotor-Gene Q and other cyclers
Estimates up and down regulation for gene expression studies
Analysis using randomization and bootstrapping techniques
Graphical data output via whisker-box plots
REST 2009 Software applies a mathematic model that takes into account the different PCR efficiencies of the gene of interest and reference genes. Compared to using a single reference gene, using multiple reference genes for normalization can improve the reliability of results.

Traditional relative quantitation enables estimation of gene expression. However, this method does not provide statistical information that is suitable for comparing expression in groups of treated and untreated samples in a robust manner. The integrated randomization and bootstrapping methods used in REST 2009 Software test the statistical significance of calculated expression ratios and can be used even when the data includes outliers. REST 2009 Software provides additional features for convenient and robust data analysis (see table "Convenient and robust data analysis").
3   Link   Pubcrawler - a free automatic paper alerting service
PubCrawler is a free "alerting" service that scans daily updates to the NCBI Medline (PubMed) and GenBank databases. PubCrawler helps keeping scientists informed of the current contents of Medline and GenBank, by listing new database entries that match their research interests.
4   Link   Next October - International insect molecular science conference in Amsterdam
This has been a good and useful meeting in the past.
5   Link   GFP beads for pull-downs
This is the company used routinely at the Beatson for GFP pull-downs. Homogenize 20 flies in PBS/triton/ Protease inhibitor, then 1 hour with beads at 4C, then publish.
6   Link   Journal rankings
As well as the familiar impact factors, the Australian ranking system is quite well regarded at present. It's considered a little 'soft'; but if we publish in A* and A journals, we should be OK.
You can also search for specific journals more quickly at:
7   Link   Dengue doubles in UK- BBC news
8   Link   Inkscape- a good, free vector drawing package
I've been wondering what to use for diagrams, because lots of the big things like Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw are really expensive. This is a great, free package that I think should be on all our PCs and Macs.
9   Link   MACSelect - purifying only transfected cells
For some of our work, low transfection rates are not a problem. But where it is, this bicistronic plasmid/ cell surface selection microbead approach could be ideal:
"The MACSelect™ 4 System uses the truncated human CD4 molecule as a marker to select transfected cells. It can be used in virtually all CD4-negative cell lines and primary cells.*

pMACS 4-IRES.II enables the bicistronic expression of the gene-of-interest and the truncated CD4 molecule: with the IRES element (internal ribosomal entry site), the gene-of-interest is translated from the same mRNA as the selection marker CD4.
The pMACS 4.1 vector encoding the truncated CD4 surface marker is used for cotransfection in combination with a gene-of-interest expression vector.

The MACSelect 4 Transfected Cell Selection Kit provides the vectors, MACSelect MicroBeads, and fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, including control vectors and antibodies required to set up and establish the MACSelect System. All kit components are also available separately.
10   Link   Harvester
another way of getting gene meta-data, a bit like FlyMine, but for multiple organisms.
11   Link   MACS selection - improve low transfection efficiencies by FACS
Jus what we need for low transfection efficiences in eg. S2 cells. Cotransfect with GFP, use a FACS sorter, then compare GFP+ with GFP- as the control.
This system makes it easier with a bicstronic vector, but no reason we shouldn't just cotransfect with two plasmids.
12   Link   COPASI: biochemical network simulator
Widely used in metaboloic pathway analysis
13   Link   Papers - a must-have for mac users?
I'm just on the way back from examining a Masters programme in Warwick. The students swear by a program called Papers. Mind you, at £50, it better be good...
14   Link   Stupid things you do at work...
This is a nice piece of life-coaching. It shows some of the pitfalls of life that you may recognize, and -more important- how to get out of them!
15   Link   Useful link to Pubmed datamining tools
If you've wanted to do something that Pubmed doesn't quite manage, like visualize the major people publishing in a topic, here are some useful links all in one place.
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